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  2. [personal] Personal

I am now, officially, as literate as a native Japanese two-year-old. Almost. Maybe.

an image of my JLPT N5 certificate

I actually meant to condense all the grammar I know down to bullet points that make sense to me, and post it before I took the test. I kinda never did that. Oops! Maybe some other time.

I haven’t really studied in the past two months, either; time to get back into that. I picked up a surprising number of phrases from watching FMA, so that’s a good sign.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this worth reading to the end, and you have a few bucks to spare, maybe toss a couple at my Patreon?

Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
