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Python FAQ: Descriptors

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Part of my Python FAQ.

How does @property work? Why does it call my __getattr__? What’s a “descriptor”?

Python offers several ways to hook into attribute access—that is, there are several ways you can affect what happens when someone does obj.foo to your object.

The most boring behavior is that the object has a foo attribute (perhaps set in __init__), or the class has a foo method or attribute of its own.

If you need total flexibility, there are the magic methods __getattr__ and __getattribute__, which can return a value depending on the attribute name.

Somewhere between these two extremes lie descriptors. A descriptor handles the attribute lookup for a single attribute, but can otherwise run whatever code it wants.

Properties are very simple descriptors. If you haven’t used them before, they look like this:

 1class Whatever(object):
 2    def __init__(self, n):
 3        self.n = n
 5    @property
 6    def twice_n(self):
 7        return self.n * 2
 9    @twice_n.setter
10    def twice_n(self, new_n):
11        self.n = new_n / 2
13obj = Whatever(2)
14print obj.n  # 2
15print obj.twice_n  # 4
16obj.twice_n = 10
17print obj.n  # 5

This does some stuff to create a descriptor object named twice_n, which jumps in whenever code tries to use the twice_n attribute of a Whatever object. In the case of @property, you can then have things that look like plain attributes but act like methods. But descriptors are a bit more powerful.

How they work

A descriptor is just an object; there’s nothing inherently special about it. Like many powerful Python features, they’re surprisingly simple. To get the descriptor behavior, only three conditions need to be met:

  1. You have a new-style class.
  2. It has some object as a class attribute.
  3. That object’s class has the appropriate special descriptor method.

Note very carefully that these conditions are in terms of classes. In particular, a descriptor will not work if it’s assigned to an object instead of a class, and an object is not a descriptor if you assign the object a function named __get__. Descriptors are all about modifying behavior for classes, not individual objects!

Ahem. So, about those special descriptor methods. There are three of them, and your object can implement whichever ones it needs. Assuming this useless setup:

1class OwnerClass(object):
2    descriptor = DescriptorClass()
4obj = OwnerClass()

You can implement these methods, sometimes called the “descriptor protocol”:

  • __get__(self, instance, owner) hooks into reading, for both an object and the class itself.

    obj.descriptor will call descriptor.__get__(obj, OwnerClass).

    OwnerClass.descriptor will call descriptor.__get__(None, OwnerClass). Here, it’s polite to just return self, so you can still get at the descriptor object like a regular class attribute.

  • __set__(self, instance, value) hooks into writing.

    obj.descriptor = 5 will call descriptor.__set__(obj, 5).

  • __delete__(self, instance) hooks into deletion.

    del obj.descriptor will call descriptor.__delete__(obj).

    Note this is not the same as __del__; that’s something different entirely.

A minor point of confusion here: the descriptor is triggered by touching attributes on obj, but inside these methods, self is the descriptor object itself, not obj.

You can implement any combination of these you like, and whichever you implement will be triggered. This may or may not be what you want, e.g.: if you only implement __set__, you won’t get a write-only attribute; obj.descriptor will act as normal and produce your descriptor object.

Writing a descriptor

Talking about descriptors involves juggling several classes and instances. Let’s try a simple example, instead: recreating property.

First, the read-only behavior.

 1class prop(object):
 2    def __init__(self, get_func):
 3        self.get_func = get_func
 5    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
 6        if instance is None:
 7            return self
 9        return self.get_func(instance)
11class Demo(object):
12    @prop
13    def attribute(self):
14        return 133
16print Demo().attribute

This code sneaks the descriptor in using a decorator. Remember that decorators can be rewritten as regular function calls. The class definition is roughly equivalent to this:

1def getter(self):
2    return 133
4class Demo(object):
5    attribute = prop(getter)

So the descriptor, attribute, is just an object wrapping a single function. When code reads from Demo().attribute, the descriptor calls its stored function on the Demo instance and passes along the return value.

(The instance has to be passed in manually because the function isn’t being called as a method. If you refer to them within a class body directly, methods are just regular functions; they only get method magic added to them at the end of the class block. It’s complicated.)

With this implementation, code could still do obj.attribute = 3 and the descriptor would be shadowed. Want setter behavior, too? No problem; add a __set__.

 1class prop(object):
 2    # __init__ and __get__ same as before...
 4    def __set__(self, instance, value):
 5        self.set_func(instance, value)
 7    def setter(self, set_func):
 8        self.set_func = set_func
 9        return self
11    def set_func(self, instance, value):
12        raise TypeError("can't set me")
14class Demo(object):
15    _value = None
17    @prop
18    def readwrite(self):
19        return self._value
21    @readwrite.setter
22    def readwrite(self, value):
23        self._value = value
25    @prop
26    def readonly(self):
27        return 133
29obj = Demo()
30print obj.readwrite
31obj.readwrite = 'foo'
32print obj.readwrite
33print obj.readonly
34obj.readonly = 'bar'  # TypeError!

Look at all this crazy stuff going on. Take it a step at a time.

The new __set__ method is pretty much the same as before: it calls a stored function on the given instance.

The setter method makes the @readwrite.setter decoration work. It stores the function, and then returns itself—remember, it’s a decorator, so whatever it returns will end up assigned to the decorated function’s name, readwrite. The class definition is equivalent to:

1def func1(self):
2    return self._value
4readwrite = prop(func1)
6def func2(self, value):
7    self._value = value
9readwrite = readwrite.setter(func2)

Don’t be fooled: it looks like there are two readwrite functions, but the class ends up with a single object that happens to contain two functions.

I include a default setter function, set_func, so that properties are read-only unless the class specifies otherwise. It’s got three arguments because it’s a regular method: calling it with (instance, value) will tack the descriptor object on as the first argument.

This is most of the way to an exact clone of Python’s builtin property type, and it’s only a handful of very short methods.

Potential uses

Properties are an obvious use, but they’re built in, so why would you care about descriptors otherwise?

Maybe you wouldn’t. It’s metaprogramming, after all, so you either know you need it or can’t imagine why you ever would. I’ve used them a couple times, though, and I’ve seen them in the wild enough. Some examples:

  • Pyramid includes a nifty decorator-descriptor, @reify. It acts like @property, except that the function is only ever called once; after that, the value is cached as a regular attribute. This gives you lazy attribute creation on objects that are meant to be immutable. It’s handy enough that I’ve wished it were in the standard library more than once.

  • SQLAlchemy’s ORM classes rely heavily on descriptors: SomeTableClass.column == 3 is actually using a descriptor that overloads a bunch of operators.

  • If you’re writing a class with a lot of properties that all do similar work, you can write your own descriptor class to factor out the logic, rather than writing a bunch of similar property functions that all call more methods.

  • If you find yourself writing a __getattr__ with a huge stack of ifs or attribute name parsing or similar, consider writing a descriptor instead.

  • Ever wonder how, exactly, self gets passed to a method call? Well, methods are just these class attributes that do something special when accessed via an object… surprise, methods are descriptors!

Descriptors and AttributeError

One final gotcha. A __get__ method is allowed to raise an AttributeError if it wants to express that the attribute doesn’t exist. Python will then fall back to __getattr__ as usual.

Consider this, then:

1def __get__(self, instance, owner):
2    log.debg("i'm in a descriptor!")
3    # do stuff...

log.debg probably doesn’t exist, so that code will raise an AttributeError… which Python will take to mean the descriptor is saying it doesn’t exist. This is probably not what you want. Be very careful with attribute access inside a descriptor, especially for classes that also implement __getattr__.


  • property is cool.
  • Descriptors are cool.
  • They aren’t hard to write, if you can keep self and instance straight.
  • They only work as class attributes!

Further reading

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

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