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Quick doesn’t have to mean dirty

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From TechCrunch:

Anyway, my sympathy for PHP’s deviltry is because I appreciate its ethos. Its just-get-it-done attitude. Or, as Melvin Tercan put it in his recent blog post, “here’s to the PHP Misfits. The pragmatic ones who would pick up anything – even double-clawed hammers – to build their own future. Often ridiculed and belittled by the hip guys in class who write cool code in Ruby or Python, but always the ones who just get shit done.”

He’s on to something there. The best is the enemy of the good, and shipping some working PHP code is approximately a million times better than designing something mindblowing in Haskell that never actually ships. I fully support Jeff Atwood’s call to replace PHP once and for all–but I hope that everyone realizes that eliminating its many, many, multitudinous flaws won’t be enough; they’ll have to somehow duplicate its just-make-it-work ethos, too.

This is a recurring sentiment: developers telling me, well, yeah, Python may be all cool in your ivory tower, man, but like, I just want to write some programs.

To which I say: what the fuck are you people smoking? Whence comes this belief that anything claimed to be a better tool must be some hellacious academic-only monstrosity which actively resists real-world use?

But, hey, I’m sick of talking about PHP. So let’s talk about Python. In honor of the 90s, let’s make a guestbook.


Flask is the thing you use to get up and running quickly. Let’s do that. I don’t think I’ve actually built a real thing with Flask, so this will be fun times for me, too. I’m even doing this in REAL TIME.

1eevee@perushian ~/dev/blog ⚘ cd ~/dev
2eevee@perushian ~/dev ⚘ mkdir guestbook_demo
3eevee@perushian ~/dev ⚘ cd guestbook_demo
4eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ git init
5Initialized empty Git repository in /home/eevee/dev/guestbook_demo/.git/
6eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ mkdir guestbook_demo
7eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ touch guestbook_demo/__init__.py
8eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ pip2 install --user flask

Yes, my shell prompt ends with a flower. (If I’m root, it’s a hammer and sickle.)

Make a directory, make a git repository, make a blank Python namespace to stick it in. (I like to start with a package from the beginning—top-level things named “app” gross me out—but this is entirely optional.) Install Flask. --user installs it to my home directory; I probably could’ve gotten it from my package manager, but I was too lazy to look. I have to say pip2 because this is Arch Linux, which is a super special snowflake and considers Python 3 to be the default Python now.

Okay, write some code. Look at all this boilerplate I had to copy from Flask’s front page oh no!

1from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
3from flask import Flask
4app = Flask(__name__)
8def root():
9    return "Wow this is totally useless so far!"
1from __future__ import absolute_import
3from guestbook_demo.app import app

Again, half of what I’ve done here is unnecessary. The __future__ stuff just makes some of Python’s behavior a little nicer. I made a file called __main__ so I can run my app with python2 -m guestbook_demo. I love -m. Also, this avoids the if __name__ == "__main__" incantation.

Fire it up.

1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ python2 -m guestbook_demo
2 * Running on

Click the link. I have a website. Hey, I didn’t even have to install Apache.


Well, no, first things first.

 1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ vim .gitignore
 2# *.pyc
 3# .*.swp
 4eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ git add guestbook_demo/
 5eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ git add .gitignore
 6eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 7[master (root-commit) 7fa216c] Initial commit
 8 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+)
 9 create mode 100644 .gitignore
10 create mode 100644 guestbook_demo/__init__.py
11 create mode 100644 guestbook_demo/__main__.py
12 create mode 100644 guestbook_demo/app.py

Okay, now templates. Hurriedly consult documentation. Blah, blah, autoescaping, how do I use it. Okay, so Flask looks for templates in a templates/ directory by default. How eerily convenient.

 1<!DOCTYPE html>
 2<html lang="en">
 3    <head>
 4        <title>{% block page_title %}{% endblock %}</title>
 5    </head>
 6    <body>
 7        <section id="content">
 8            {% block content %}
 9            {% endblock %}
10        </section>
11        <footer id="footer">
12            My Cool Guestbook 2000 © me forever
13        </footer>
14    </body>
 1{% extends "_base.html" %}
 3{% block title %}Guestbook{% endblock %}
 5{% block content %}
 6    <h1>Guestbook</h1>
 8    <p>Hello, and welcome to my guestbook, because it's 1997!</p>
10    <ul class="guests">
11        <li>...</li>
12    </ul>
13{% endblock %}

And update the Python side.

2def root():
3    return render_template('index.html')

Now we have some templates. Hey, that wasn’t too bad. Could stand to have some data, though.

An aside: debugging

I learned something doing this, because I made a typo in my template: Flask only does live debugging if I set debug=True when I run it.


This also provides automatic code reloading. Unfortunately, due to some arcane interaction between the reloader and python -ms behavior, I have to use PYTHONPATH=. python2 -m guestbook_demo to run my app now. Boo. Look at the silly problems I’ve inflicted on myself. That’s what I get for not following the tutorial.

Incidentally, it seems that if I’m putting my code in a package, I oughta hardcode the package name instead of using __name__. (The documentation for the Flask class explains this.)

1app = Flask('guestbook_demo')


I like SQLAlchemy. I could write a bunch of queries by hand for something simple like this, but honestly, fuck that noise.

First, I need a database. (createdb is a PostgreSQL thing. I’m amazed at how ballsy they are, claiming a generic name like that.)

1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ createdb guestbook_demo

I don’t need anything fancy for arranging the DB code, either. Credentials should go in configuration, yadda yadda, but since I don’t really need credentials here (Postgres can authenticate using my local Unixy login), who cares.

 1import datetime
 3from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 4from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 5from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
 6from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
 7from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, Unicode
 9engine = create_engine('postgresql:///guestbook_demo')
10session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False))
12Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
15### Yonder tables
17class GuestbookEntry(Base):
18    __tablename__ = 'guestbook_entries'
20    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
21    timestamp = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)
22    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
23    message = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
25    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
26        kwargs.setdefault('timestamp', datetime.utcnow())
28        super(GuestbookEntry, self).__init__(**kwargs)

This gives me thread-safe transaction support and a canonical copy of my schema with rather little effort or magic. Most of this can be intuited from SQLAlchemy’s hilariously extensive documentation.

Things to note:

  • There’s a flask-sqlalchemy package I could’ve used which saves a couple lines of boilerplate and automatically handles configuration, but I’m pretty comfortable with SQLAlchemy.
  • I added a custom __init__ that sets the timestamp for a new entry to the current time. In UTC. Always, always, UTC.
  • I set autoflush=False, so I can do batched updates. This won’t really matter now, but it’s nice to have from the beginning.

Also, scoped_session does some gross things to make a single session variable multiplex across threads, but it requires knowing when I’m done with a thread’s session. So I need this little guy in app.py.

2def shutdown_session(exception=None):
3    db.session.remove()

This is one of those things flask-sqlalchemy would’ve done for me. C’est la vie.

Create some tables:

 1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ python2
 2Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2012, 00:00:54)
 3[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
 4Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 5>>> from guestbook_demo import db
 6>>> db.Base.metadata.create_all(bind=db.engine)
 8eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ psql guestbook_demo
 9psql (9.1.4)
10Type "help" for help.
12guestbook_demo=# \dt
13             List of relations
14 Schema |       Name        | Type  | Owner 
16 public | guestbook_entries | table | eevee
17(1 row)

Okay, getting somewhere, but it’s not very useful yet.

Let’s add some data and display it.

1guestbook_demo=# insert into guestbook_entries values (default, now() at time zone 'UTC', 'Eevee', 'hello ur web sight is gr8');
2def root():
3    # TODO paginate me!
4    entries = db.session.query(db.GuestbookEntry) \
5        .order_by(db.GuestbookEntry.timestamp.desc())
7    return render_template('index.html', entries=entries)
1    <ul class="guests">
2        {% for entry in entries %}
3        <li>
4            <blockquote>{{ entry.message }}</blockquote>
5            <p><cite>{{ entry.name }}</cite>, <time>{{ entry.timestamp }}</time></p>
6        </li>
7        {% endfor %}
8    </ul>

Flask reloads itself, so I just need to refresh the page, and there it be.

Spot the bug

I just noticed I didn’t have a page title because I called the block page_title in the base template and title in the inheriting template.

Also, I have import datetime in my db.py, but it should be from datetime import datetime. utcnow is a method on the class, not a function in the module. (I wish the module and class weren’t named the same; who does that?!) The in-browser stack trace helpfully pointed this out to me.

Signing it

Finally, this isn’t very useful unless someone can write in it. No surprises here; we have all the infrastructure and just need to make use of it.

1    <hr>
3    <form action="{{ url_for('signme') }}" method="POST">
4        <p>Name: <input type="text" name="name"></p>
5        <p>Message: <textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="40"></textarea></p>
6        <p><button>Sign</button></p>
7    </form>
 1from flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, request, url_for
 3# ...
 5@app.route("/sign", methods=['POST'])
 6def signme():
 7    new_entry = db.GuestbookEntry(
 8        name=request.form.get('name') or 'Some dummy who forgot to leave a name',
 9        message=request.form.get('message') or 'WOW THIS IS THE BEST WEBSITE EVER',
10    )
11    db.session.add(new_entry)
12    db.session.commit()
14    return redirect(url_for('root'))

Refresh, try it out. Done.


Arrgh, that thing that’s hard! What do we do now!

We have a few options.

  1. There’s the… classic approach of dumping it all on my server and leaving it running in tmux. Let’s not do that. Ever.

  2. I already have Python stuff deployed using gunicorn, reverse proxying, and an Upstart script. I like this setup (except that Upstart blows) and could easily just copy it. That’s not very helpful in the context of this “do it fast” post, though.

    Note that Debian-based distributions have packaged gunicorn as a daemon itself, so you only have to create a file with a couple lines to get going. That’s awesome.

  3. Probably the most brain-dead thing to do is use Apache’s mod_wsgi, which worries about running your app for you. It’s even Flask’s first choice for deployment, and it just takes a few lines of boilerplate Apache configuration, which all PHP devs are surely familiar with. But I don’t have Apache installed, and we’ve gotten along just fine without it so far, goddammit.

    Dreamhost has some unsupported instructions for using Apache’s mod_passenger with a Python app, which is basically the same idea.

What else is there? Plenty, really: FastCGI, or regular CGI (yeargh), or various other options for running a standalone thing, and I will totally blog about all this someday I swear.

But I want something drop-dead simple. I want this on the interbutts now.

I will try something I have never tried before, while you, dear reader, watch me fumble.

I will try Heroku.


Hold up while I sign up for this thing and wait for the confirmation email.

Okay it has linked me to the quickstart guide. Let me remind you that, far moreso than with Flask, I have no idea what I am doing.

First I have to install some Ruby thing, naturally. Let us pause for twenty minutes of reflection while documentation is compiled.

 1eevee@perushian ~/dev/blog ⚘ heroku login
 2Enter your Heroku credentials.
 3Email: eevee.heroku@veekun.com
 4Password (typing will be hidden): 
 5Found the following SSH public keys:
 7Which would you like to use with your Heroku account? 2
 8Uploading SSH public key... done
 9Authentication successful.
10eevee@perushian ~/dev/blog ⚘ cd ../guestbook_demo
11eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ heroku create
12Creating whispering-beach-4961... done, stack is cedar
13http://whispering-beach-4961.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:whispering-beach-4961.git
14Git remote heroku added

I seem to need a pip-style requirements.txt (just a list of Python distributions, one per line) and a Procfile (which tells heroku how to launch my thing). There are instructions for Flask, but as I already made an app, I’m just beating what I have into submission with minimal changes. And some trial and error.

1    Flask>=0.8
2    SQLAlchemy>=0.7
3    psycopg2
1    web: python -m guestbook_demo

Other changes:

  • Remove that debug=True, of course.
  • Heroku wants my app to run on a port specified in the environment, so use app.run(port=os.environ['PORT']). And change the host to It tells me nicely about these things when I use heroku logs.

I went through a couple cycles of git push heroku master and heroku logs, but I admit this is surprisingly painless and kinda sorta almost like just running it locally. With a bit of a runaround anytime I change anything.

I have to add a web process before anything will run, I think:

1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ heroku ps:scale web=1
2Scaling web processes... done, now running 1
3eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ heroku ps
4=== web: `python -m guestbook_demo`
5web.1: up for 39s

And now I just need to reserve a database, make SQLAlchemy connect to it, and create the tables.

1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
2Adding heroku-postgresql:dev on whispering-beach-4961... done, v9 (free)
4Database has been created and is available
5  ! WARNING: dev is in beta
6  !          increased risk of data loss and downtime
7  !          send feedback to dod-feedback@heroku.com
8Use `heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql:dev` to view documentation.
1engine = create_engine(os.environ.get('HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_JADE_URL', 'postgresql:///guestbook_demo'))
1eevee@perushian ~/dev/guestbook_demo ⚘ heroku run python
2Running `python` attached to terminal... up, run.1
3from guesPython 2.7.2 (default, Oct 31 2011, 16:22:04) 
4[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
5Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
6t>>> from guestbook_demo import db
7>>> db.Base.metadata.create_all(bind=db.engine)

And then…

Oh. I’m done.


That was actually way, way less painful than I expected. I would hecka pay money for this thing.


So I have a dumb little app that connects to a database, adds things to it, and shows things in it. It’s running live on a free “web host”. And I didn’t know how to use half of these things when I started.

This took a couple hours, minus writing this post, and trying to figure out why my changes didn’t take effect when I only typed them in the blog post and not the actual code, and playing with my cats, and eating a muffin, and whatever other fucking around I was doing. In retrospect, I’m probably not the best person to demonstrate speed of doing anything. But consider what we have here.

  • I have routed URLs, and a URL generator, inside the app. I never once, at any time, wrote any web server configuration whatsoever. I don’t even have a web server installed on my machine.
  • I have a full ORM at my disposal that will work on half a dozen different databases.
  • There are no SQL injection vulnerabilities; the ORM takes care of that.
  • There are no XSS vulnerabilities; the template language takes care of that. (Which is good, because I see the second entry here is already an attempt at script injection.)
  • There are no HTTP header splitting vulnerabilities; I didn’t even write any headers manually.

I didn’t even touch half of what Flask does: it also has omnipresent sessions, flash messages, lightweight plugins, test amenities, logging, and god knows what else.

Was this quick? I believe so. Was it dirty? Certainly not. I have a namespace for my app, separate db configuration, separate templates with inheritance. If I’d been so inclined, I could’ve been using Flask’s configuration stuff to get some hardcoded values out of there as well.

Plus, half of what I did was setup stuff you’d have to do for any application: thinking up a db schema, creating a git repository, finding hosting. Now all that stuff is ready to go, and the rest is a breeze.

And I didn’t know anything about Flask or Heroku this morning.

Getting things done is not mutually exclusive with doing them nicely. None of this was hard. It’s just different.

Come dip your toes in. You might like what you find.

I threw the thing, complete with my embarrassing heroku fumbling, on github.

Afterthought: the article

Other choice TechCrunch quotes:

And yet PHP is allegedly used by more than three-quarters of all web sites.

Alleged, indeed. This links to w3techs, which seems to indicate that it uses URLs and HTTP headers to detect what language a site is written in. What popular language plugin for Apache reports itself in the Server header, whether it’s being used for the current page or not? mod_php. What doesn’t? Everything else!

(Addendum: I am told w3techs is even less reliable than appears at first glance. They omit the nearly 20% of sites they can’t guess at all.)

“here’s to the PHP Misfits. The pragmatic ones who would pick up anything – even double-clawed hammers – to build their own future. Often ridiculed and belittled by the hip guys in class who write cool code in Ruby or Python, but always the ones who just get shit done.”

Yeah, well, fuck you. I don’t write Python because it’s cool, and I’m rapidly tiring of having invented motivations used as a reason to disregard what I say. I use Python because it balances getting stuff done with having that stuff not fall over as soon as I turn my back. Programming is a world of tradeoffs; most of PHP’s trade immediacy for the slightest hint of reliability. Those geeks writing sites in Haskell aren’t always just doing it because it meets some academic (when did learning become bad?) standard of purity; very powerful typing often solves very real problems in software engineering. The tradeoff there is that very powerful typing also makes some common tasks particularly difficult to implement. Some people find this tradeoff acceptable; many do not.

I know these things because I have a passing familiarity with more than one language, and a passing familiarity with more than one methodology. If you don’t know why your favorite tool’s tradeoffs are good or bad but are merely used to them, then for the love of god, please expand your context bubble before passing the rest of us off as squabbling elitist philosophers.

Now let’s pretend this post has nothing to do with PHP because I am sick to death of typing about it.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this worth reading to the end, and you have a few bucks to spare, maybe toss a couple at my Patreon?

Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
