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Weekly roundup: HD Remix

  1. Blog
  2. [dev] Dev log

September is continuing the three big things in particular.

I spoiled most of this last week.

  • gamedev: I did Ludum Dare 36! I made a little PICO-8 game called Isaac’s Descent in 48 hours.

    Also, I started working on Isaac’s Descent HD Remix, a fancier port in LÖVE. In fact that’s pretty much all I did all week, including pixeling a new walk sequence for Isaac and porting all the maps to Tiled and some other stuff. The last couple days in particular went down the collision drain, ugh. Good book fodder, though.

  • blog: I published a timeline of my progress on my Ludum Dare game.

  • book: Oh, yeah, I’m writing a book. I wrote a ton of notes for a LÖVE chapter, based on what I did so far for Isaac HD.

  • music: Fought with a few trackers, with limited success, in an effort to find a grown-up equivalent to the PICO-8’s music tools. Renoise looks interesting and I’ll play with it more, but I don’t know if I want to plop down any real cash for something I’m only just starting to do. I might end up just using LMMS.

No big surprises. I still need to get back to work on veekun, but I’m a bit distracted with LÖVE at the moment, oops. And of course I have another four posts to write this month, somehow…

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

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Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
