logo: drawing of an eevee lounging atop the website

fuzzy notepad

Weekly roundup: Inktober

  1. Blog
  2. [dev] Dev log

October is… well, so far it’s mostly about inktober.

  • art: I did a lot of art. I did so much art. Fourteen ink drawings of Pokémon. I also got my hands on two grey copics and have been trying those out as well. I’ve also been doodling nonstop.

    The drawback to all these inks is that they take a nontrivial amount of time, so virtually all I’ve done all week is draw them. Whoops! I’ve gotten a bit faster (I think), so I’m not spending half of every day on them, but they’re still a huge timesink. I think they’re worth it, though — ink is fun, the practice is excellent, and I spent a good month and a half barely drawing anything while I was fussing with game development.

  • blog: I published a thing about MegaZeux and wrote half of another post. One week into the month and I’m still behind by half a post. Whoops! Progress should resume now that the inks are going faster, as mentioned.

Aaaaaaand that’s all! I really did just draw for most of the week.

I don’t know what my plans are from here. I still need to get further on the same things, but ink and writing take priority. We’ll see what happens.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

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Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
