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fuzzy notepad

Weekly roundup: Inktober 4: A New Hope

  1. Blog
  2. [dev] Dev log

Inktober is over! Oh my god.

  • art: Almost the last of the ink drawings of Pokémon, all of them done in fountain pen now. I filled up the sketchbook I’d been using and switched to a 9”×12” one. Much to my surprise, that made the inks take longer.

    I did some final work on that loophole commission from a few weeks ago.

  • irl: I voted, and am quite cross that election news has continued in spite of this fact.

  • doom: I made a few speedmaps — maps based on random themes and made in an hour (or so). It was a fun and enlightening experience, and I’ll definitely do some more of it.

  • blog: I wrote about game accessibility, which touched on those speedmaps.

  • mario maker: One of the level themes I got was “The Wreckage”, and I didn’t know how to speedmap that in Doom in only an hour, but it sounded like an interesting concept for a Mario level.

I managed to catch up on writing by the end of the month (by cheating slightly), so I’m starting fresh in November. The “three big things” obviously went out the window in favor of Inktober, but I’m okay with that. I’ve got something planned for this next month that should make up for it, anyway.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this worth reading to the end, and you have a few bucks to spare, maybe toss a couple at my Patreon?

Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
