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Iteration in one language, then all the others

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You may have noticed that I like comparing features across different languages. I hope you like it too, because I’m doing it again.


I’m most familiar with Python, and iteration is one of its major concepts, so it’s a good place to start and a good overview of iteration. I’ll dive into Python a little more deeply, then draw parallels to other languages.

Python only has one form of iteration loop, for. (Note that all of these examples are written for Python 3; in Python 2, some of the names are slightly different, and fewer things are lazy.)

1for value in sequence:
2    ...

in is also an operator, so value in sequence is also the way you test for containment. This is either very confusing or very satisfying.

When you need indices, or specifically a range of numbers, you can use the built-in enumerate or range functions. enumerate works with lazy iterables as well.

 1# This makes use of tuple unpacking to effectively return two values at a time
 2for index, value in enumerate(sequence):
 3    ...
 5# Note that the endpoint is exclusive, and the default start point is 0.  This
 6# matches how list indexing works and fits the C style of numbering.
 7# 0 1 2 3 4
 8for n in range(5):
 9    ...
11# Start somewhere other than zero, and the endpoint is still exclusive.
12# 1 2 3 4
13for n in range(1, 5):
14    ...
16# Count by 2 instead.  Can also use a negative step to count backwards.
17# 1 3 5 7 9
18for n in range(1, 11, 2):
19    ...

dicts (mapping types) have several methods for different kinds of iteration. Additionally, iterating over a dict directly produces its keys.

 1for key in mapping:
 2    ...
 4for key in mapping.keys():
 5    ...
 7for value in mapping.values():
 8    ...
10for key, value in mapping.items():
11    ...

Python distinguishes between an iterable, any value that can be iterated over, and an iterator, a value that performs the actual work of iteration. Common iterable types include list, tuple, dict, str, and set. enumerate and range are also iterable.

Since Python code rarely works with iterators directly, and many iterable types also function as their own iterators, it’s common to hear “iterator” used to mean an iterable. To avoid this ambiguity, and because the words are fairly similar already, I’ll refer to iterables as containers like the Python documentation sometimes does. Don’t be fooled — an object doesn’t actually need to contain anything to be iterable. Python’s range type is iterable, but it doesn’t physically contain all the numbers in the range; it generates them on the fly as needed.

The fundamental basics of iteration are built on these two ideas. Given a container, ask for an iterator; then repeatedly advance the iterator to get new values. When the iterator runs out of values, it raises StopIteration. That’s it. In Python, those two steps can be performed manually with the iter and next functions. A for loop is roughly equivalent to:

1_iterator = iter(container)
2_done = False
3while not _done:
4    try:
5        value = next(_iterator)
6    except StopIteration:
7        _done = True
8    else:
9        ...

An iterator can only move forwards. Once a value has been produced, it’s lost, at least as far as the iterator is concerned. These restrictions are occasionally limiting, but they allow iteration to be used for some unexpected tasks. For example, iterating over an open file produces its lines — even if the “file” is actually a terminal or pipe, where data only arrives once and isn’t persistently stored anywhere.


A more common form of “only forwards, only once” in Python is the generator, a function containing a yield statement. For example:

1def inclusive_range(start, stop):
2    val = start
3    while val <= stop:
4        yield val
5        val += 1
7# 6 7 8 9
8for n in inclusive_range(6, 9):
9    ...

Calling a generator function doesn’t execute its code, but immediately creates a generator iterator. Every time the iterator is advanced, the function executes until the next yield, at which point the yielded value is returned as the next value and the function pauses. The next iteration will then resume the function. When the function returns (or falls off the end), the iterator stops.

Since the values here are produced by running code on the fly, it’s of course impossible to rewind a generator.

The underlying protocol is straightforward. A container must have an __iter__ method that returns an iterator, corresponding to the iter function. An iterator must have a __next__ method that returns the next item, corresponding to the next function. If the iterator is exhausted, __next__ must raise StopIteration. An iterator must also have an __iter__ that returns itself — this is so an iterator can be used directly in a for loop.

The above inclusive range generator might be written out explicitly like this:

 1class InclusiveRange:
 2    def __init__(self, start, stop):
 3        self.start = start
 4        self.stop = stop
 6    def __iter__(self):
 7        return InclusiveRangeIterator(self)
 9class InclusiveRangeIterator:
10    def __init__(self, incrange):
11        self.incrange = incrange
12        self.nextval = incrange.start
14    def __iter__(self):
15        return self
17    def __next__(self):
18        if self.nextval > self.incrange.stop:
19            raise StopIteration
21        val = self.nextval
22        self.nextval += 1
23        return val

This might seem like a lot of boilerplate, but note that the iterator state (here, nextval) can’t go on InclusiveRange directly, because then it’d be impossible to iterate over the same object twice at the same time. (Some types, like files, do act as their own iterators because they can’t meaningfully be iterated in parallel.)

Even Python’s internals work this way. Try iter([]) in a Python REPL; you’ll get a list_iterator object.

In truth, it is a lot of boilerplate. User code usually uses this trick:

 1class InclusiveRange:
 2    def __init__(self, start, stop):
 3        self.start = start
 4        self.stop = stop
 6    def __iter__(self):
 7        val = self.start
 8        while val <= self.stop:
 9            yield val
10            val += 1

Nothing about this is special-cased in any way. Now __iter__ is a generator, and calling a generator function returns an iterator, so all the constraints are met. It’s a really easy way to convert a generator function into a type. If this class were named inclusive_range instead, it would even be backwards-compatible; consuming code wouldn’t even have to know it’s a class.


But why would you do this? One excellent reason is to add support for other sequence-like operations, like reverse iteration support. An iterator can’t be reversed, but a container might support being iterated in reverse:

1fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']
2# pear, orange, apple
3for value in reversed(fruits):
4    ...

Iterating a lazy container doesn’t always make sense, but when it does, it’s easy to implement by returning an iterator from __reversed__.

 1class InclusiveRange:
 2    def __init__(self, start, stop):
 3        self.start = start
 4        self.stop = stop
 6    def __iter__(self):
 7        val = self.start
 8        while val <= self.stop:
 9            yield val
10            val += 1
12    def __reversed__(self):
13        val = self.stop
14        while val >= self.start:
15            yield val
16            val -= 1

Note that Python does not have “bi-directional” iterators, which can freely switch between forwards and reverse iteration on the fly. A bidirectional iterator is useful for cases like doubly-linked lists, where it’s easy to get from one value to the next or previous value, but not as easy to start from the beginning and get the tenth item.

Iteration is often associated with sequences, though they’re not quite the same. In Python, a sequence is a value that can be indexed in order as container[0], container[1], etc. (Indexing is implemented with __getitem__.) All sequences are iterable; in fact, if a type implements indexing but not __iter__, the iter function will automatically try indexing it from zero instead. reversed does the same, though it requires that the type implement __len__ as well so it knows what the last item is.

Much of this is codified more explicitly in the abstract base classes in collections.abc, which also provide default implementations of common methods.

Not all iterables are sequences, and not every value that can be indexed is a sequence! Python’s mapping type, dict, uses indexing to fetch the value for a key; but a dict has no defined order and is not a sequence. However, a dict can still be iterated over, producing its keys (in arbitrary order). A set can be iterated over, producing its values in arbitrary order, but it cannot be indexed at all. A type could conceivably use indexing for something more unusual and not be iterable at all.

A common question

It’s not really related to iteration, but people coming to Python from Ruby often ask why len() is a built-in function, rather than a method. The same question could be asked about iter() and next() (and other Python builtins), which more or less delegate directly to a “reserved” __dunder__ method anyway.

I believe the technical reason is simply the order that features were added to the language in very early days, which is not very interesting.

The philosophical reason, imo, is that Python does not reserve method names for fundamental operations. All __dunder__ names are reserved, of course, but everything else is fair game. This makes it obvious when a method is intended to add support for some language-ish-level operation, even if you don’t know what all the method names are. Occasionally a third-party library invents its own __dunder__ name, which is a little naughty, but the same reasoning applies: “this is a completely generic interface that some external mechanism is expected to use”.

This approach also avoids a namespacing problem. In Ruby, a Rectangle class might want to have width and length attributes… but the presence of length means a Rectangle looks like it functions as a sequence! Since “interface” method names aren’t namespaced in any way, there is no way to say that you don’t mean the same thing as Array.length.

It’s a minor quibble, since everything’s dynamically typed anyway, so the real solution is “well don’t try to iterate a rectangle then”. And Python does use keys as a method name in some obscure cases. Oh, well.

Some cute tricks

The distinction between sequences and iterables can cause some subtle problems. A lot of code that only needs to loop over items can be passed, e.g., a generator. But this can take some conscious care. Compare:

1# This will NOT work with generators, which don't support len() or indexing
2for i in range(len(container)):
3    value = container[i]
4    ...
6# But this will
7for i, value in enumerate(container):
8    ...

enumerate also has a subtle, unfortunate problem: it cannot be combined with reversed. This has bit me more than once, surprisingly.

1# This produces a TypeError from reversed()
2for i, value in reversed(enumerate(container)):
3    ...
5# This almost works, but the index goes forwards while the values go backwards
6for i, value in enumerate(reversed(container)):
7    ...

The problem is that enumerate can’t, in general, reverse itself. It counts up from zero as it iterates over its argument; reversing it means starting from one less than the number of items, but it doesn’t yet know how many items there are. But if you just want to run over a list or other sequence backwards, this feels very silly. A trivial helper can make it work:

1def revenum(iterable, end=0):
2    start = len(iterable) + end
3    for value in iterable:
4        start -= 1
5        yield start, value

I’ve run into other odd cases where it’s frustrating that a generator doesn’t have a length or indexing. This especially comes up if you make heavy use of generator expressions, which are a very compact way to write a one-off generator. (Python also has list, set, and dict “comprehensions”, which have the same syntax but use brackets or braces instead of parentheses, and are evaluated immediately instead of lazily.)

 1def get_big_fruits():
 2    fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']
 3    return (fruit.upper() for fruit in fruits)
 5# Roughly equivalent to:
 6def get_big_fruits():
 7    fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']
 8    def genexp():
 9        for fruit in fruits:
10            yield fruit.upper()
11    return genexp()

If you had thousands of fruits, doing this could save a little memory. The caller is probably just going to loop over them to print them out (or whatever), so using a generator expression means that each uppercase name only exists for a short time; returning a list would mean creating a lot of values all at once.

Ah, but now the caller wants to know how many fruits there are, with minimal fuss. Generators have no length, so that won’t work. Turning this generator expression into a class that also has a __len__ would be fairly ridiculous. So you resort to some slightly ugly trickery.

1# Ugh.  Obvious, but feels really silly.
2count = 0
3for value in container:
4    count += 1
6# Better, but weird if you haven't seen it before.  Creates another generator
7# expression that just yields 1 for every item, then sums them up.
8count = sum(1 for _ in container)

Or perhaps you want the first big fruit? Well, [0] isn’t going to help. This is one of the few cases where using iter and next directly can be handy.

 1# Oops!  If the container is empty, this raises StopIteration, which you
 2# probably don't want.
 3first = next(iter(container))
 5# Catch the StopIteration explicitly.
 7    first = next(iter(container))
 8except StopIteration:
 9    # This code runs if there are zero items
10    ...
12# Regular loop that terminates immediately.
13# The "else" clause only runs when the container ends naturally (i.e. NOT if
14# the loop breaks), which can only happen here if there are zero items.
15for value in container:
16    first = value
17    break
19    ...
21# next() -- but not __next__()! -- takes a second argument indicating a
22# "default" value to return when the iterator is exhausted.  This only makes
23# sense if you were going to substitute a default value anyway; doing this and
24# then checking for None will do the wrong thing if the container actually
25# contained a None.
26first = next(iter(container), None)

Other tricks with iter and next include skipping the first item (or any number of initial items, though consider itertools.islice for more complex cases):

1it = iter(container)
2next(it, None)  # Use second arg to ignore StopIteration
3for value in it:
4    # Since the first item in the iterator has already been consumed, this loop
5    # will start with the second item.  If the container had only one or zero
6    # items, the loop will get StopIteration and end immediately.
7    ...

Iterating two (or more) items at a time:

 1# Obvious way: call next() inside the loop.
 2it = iter(container)
 3for value1 in it:
 4    # With an odd number of items, this will raise an uncaught StopIteration!
 5    # Catch it or provide a default value.
 6    value2 = next(it)
 7    ...
 9# Moderately clever way: abuse zip().
10# zip() takes some number of containers and iterates over them pairwise.  It
11# stores an iterator for each container.  When it's asked for its next item, it
12# in turn asks all of its iterators for their next items, and returns them as a
13# set.  But by giving it the same exact iterator twice, it'll end up advancing
14# that iterator twice and returning two consecutive items.
15# Note that zip() stops early as soon as an iterator runs dry, so if the
16# container has an odd number of items, this will silently skip the last one.
17# If you don't want that, use itertools.zip_longest instead.
18it = iter(container)
19for line1, line2 in zip(it, it):
20    ...
22# Far too clever way: exactly the same as above, but written as a one-liner.
23# zip(iter(), iter()) would create two separate iterators and break the trick.
24# List multiplication produces a list containing the same iterator twice.
25# One advantage of this is that the 2 can be a variable.
26for value1, value2 in zip(*[iter(container)] * 2):
27    ...

Wow, that got pretty weird towards the end. Somehow this turned into Stupid Python Iterator Tricks. Don’t worry; I know far less about these other languages.


C is an extreme example with no iterator protocol whatsoever. It barely even supports sequences; arrays are just pointer math. All it has is the humble C-style for loop:

1int[] container = {...};
2for (int i = 0; i < container_length; i++) {
3    int value = container[i];
4    ...

Unfortunately, it’s really the best C can do. C arrays don’t know their own length, so no matter what, the developer has to provide it some other way. Even without that, a built-in iterator protocol is impossible — iterators require persistent state (the current position) to be bundled alongside code (how to get to the next position). That pretty much means one of two things: closures or objects. C has neither.


Lua has two forms of for loop. The first is a simple numeric loop.

1-- 1 3 5 7 9 11
2for value = 1, 11, 2 do
3    ...

The three values after the = are the start, end, and step. They work similarly to Python’s range(), except that everything in Lua is always inclusive, so for i = 1, 5 will count from 1 to 5.

The generic form uses in.

1for value in iterate(container) do
2    ...

iterate isn’t a special name here, but most of the time a generic for will look like this.

See, Lua doesn’t have objects. It has enough tools that you can build objects fairly easily, but the core language has no explicit concept of objects or method calls. An iterator protocol needs to bundle state and behavior somehow, so Lua uses closures for that. But you still need a way to get that closure, and that means calling a function, and a plain value can’t have functions attached to it. So iterating over a table (Lua’s single data structure) looks like this:

1for key, value in pairs(container) do
2    ...

pairs is a built-in function. Lua also has an ipairs, which iterates over consecutive keys and values starting from key 1. (Lua starts at 1, not 0. Lua also represents sequences as tables with numeric keys.)

Lua does have a way to associate “methods” with values, which is how objects are made, but for loops almost certainly came first. So iteration is almost always over a function call, not a bare value.

Also, because objects are built out of tables, having a default iteration behavior for all tables would mean having the same default for all objects. Nothing’s stopping you from using pairs on an object now, but at least that looks deliberate. It’s easy enough to give objects iteration methods and iterate over obj:iter(), though it’s slightly unfortunate that every type might look slightly different. Unfortunately, Lua has no truly generic interface for “this can produce a sequence of values”.

The iteration protocol is really just calling a function repeatedly to get new values. When the function returns nil, the iteration ends. (That means nil can never be part of an iteration! You can work around this by returning two values and making sure the first one is something else that’s never nil, like an index.) The manual explains the exact semantics of the generic for with Lua code, a move I wish every language would make.

 1-- This:
 2for var_1, ···, var_n in explist do block end
 4-- Is equivalent to this:
 6    local _func, _state, _lastval = explist
 7    while true do
 8        local var_1, ···, var_n = _func(_state, _lastval)
 9        if var_1 == nil then break end
10        _lastval = var_1
11        block
12    end

Important to note here is the way multiple-return works in Lua. Lua doesn’t have tuples; multiple assignment is a distinct feature of the language, and multiple return works exactly the same way as multiple assignment. If there are too few values, the extra variables become nil; if there are too many values, the extras are silently discarded.

So in the line local _func, _state, _lastval = explist, the “state” value _state and the “last loop value” _lastval are both optional. Lua doesn’t use them, except to pass them back to the iterator function _func, and they aren’t visible to the for loop body. An iterator can thus be only a function and nothing else, letting _state and _lastval be nil — but they can be a little more convenient at times. Compare:

 1-- Usual approach: return only a closure, completely ignoring state and lastval
 2local function inclusive_range(start, stop)
 3    local nextval = start
 4    return function()
 5        if nextval > stop then
 6            return
 7        end
 8        local val = nextval
 9        nextval = nextval + 1
10        return val
11    end
14-- Alternative approach, not using closures at all.  This is the function we
15-- return; each time it's called with the same "state" value and whatever it
16-- returned last time it was called.
17-- This function could even be written exactly a method (a la Python's
18-- __next__), where the state value is the object itself.
19local function inclusive_range_iter(stop, prev)
20    -- "stop" is the state value; "prev" is the last value we returned
21    local val = prev + 1
22    if val > stop then
23        return
24    end
25    return val
27local function inclusive_range(start, stop)
28    -- Return the iterator function, and pass it the stop value as its state.
29    -- The "last value" is a little weird here; on the first iteration, there
30    -- is no last value.  Here we can fake it by subtracting 1 from the
31    -- starting number, but in other cases, it might make more sense if the
32    -- "state" were a table containing both the start and stop values.
33    return inclusive_range_iter, stop, start - 1
36-- 6 7 8 9 with both implementations
37for n in inclusive_range(6, 9) do
38    ...

Lua doesn’t have generators. Surprisingly, it has fully-fledged coroutines — call stacks that can be paused at any time. Lua sometimes refers to them as “threads”, but only one can be running at a time. Effectively they’re like Python generators, except you can call a function which calls a function which calls a function which eventually yields, and the entire call stack from that point up to the top of the coroutine is paused and preserved.

In Python, the mere presence of yield causes a function to become a generator. In Lua, since any function might try to yield the coroutine it’s currently in, a function has to be explicitly called as a coroutine using functions in the coroutine library.

But this post is about iterators, not coroutines. Coroutines don’t function as iterators, but Lua provides a coroutine.wrap() that takes a function, turns it into a coroutine, and returns a function that resumes the coroutine. That’s enough to allow a coroutine to be turned into an iterator. The Lua book even has a section about this.

 1local function inclusive_range(start, stop)
 2    local val = start
 3    while val <= stop do
 4        coroutine.yield(val)
 5        val = val + 1
 6    end
 8-- Unfortunately, coroutine.wrap() doesn't have any way to pass initial
 9-- arguments to the function it wraps, so we need this dinky wrapper.
10-- I should clarify that the ... here is literal syntax for once.
11local function iter_coro(entry_point, ...)
12    local args = {...}
13    return coroutine.wrap(function()
14        entry_point(unpack(args))
15    end)
18# 6 7 8 9
19for n in iter_coro(inclusive_range, 6, 9) do
20    ...

So, that’s cool. Lua doesn’t do a lot for you — unfortunately, list processing tricks can be significantly more painful in Lua — but it has some pretty interesting primitives that compose with each other remarkably well.

Perl 5

Perl has a very straightforward C-style for loop, which looks and works exactly as you might expect. my, which appears frequently in these examples, is just local variable declaration.

1for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
2    ...

Nobody uses it. Everyone uses the iteration-style for loop. (It’s occasionally called foreach, which is extra confusing because both for and foreach can be used for both kinds of loop. Nobody actually uses the foreach keyword.)

1for my $value (@container) {
2    ...

The iteration loop can be used for numbers, as well, since Perl has a .. inclusive range operator. For iterating over an array with indexes, Perl has the slightly odd $#array syntax, which is the index of the last item in @array. Creating something like Python’s enumerate is a little tricky in Perl, because you can’t directly return a list of lists, and the workaround doesn’t support unpacking. It’s complicated.

1for my $i (1..10) {
2    ...
5for my $index (0..$#array) {
6    my $value = $array[$index];
7    ...

A hash (Perl’s mapping “shape”) can’t be iterated directly. Or, well, it can, but the loop will alternate between keys and values because Perl is weird. Instead you need the keys or values built-in functions to get the keys or values as regular lists. (These functions also work on arrays as of Perl 5.12.)

1for my $key (keys %container) {
2    ...

For iterating over both keys and values at the same time, Perl has an each function. The behavior is a little weird, since every call to the function advances an internal iterator inside the hash and returns a new pair. If a loop using each terminates early, the next use of each may silently start somewhere in the middle of the hash, skipping a bunch of its keys. This is probably why I’ve never seen each actually used.

1while (my ($key, value) = each %container) {
2    ...

Despite being very heavily built on the concept of lists, Perl doesn’t have an explicit iterator protocol, and its support for lazy iteration in general is not great. When they’re used at all, lazy iterators tend to be implemented as ad-hoc closures or callable objects, which require a while loop:

1my $iter = custom_iterator($collection);
2while (my $value = $iter->()) {
3    ...

Here be dragons

It is possible to sorta-kinda fake an iterator protocol. If you’re not familiar, Perl’s variables come in several different “shapes” — hash, array, scalar — and it’s possible to “tie” a variable to a backing object which defines the operations for a particular shape. It’s a little like operator overloading, except that Perl also has operator overloading and it’s a completely unrelated mechanism. In fact, you could use operator overloading to make your object return a tied array when dereferenced as an array. I am talking gibberish now.

Anyway, the trick is to tie an array and return a new value for each consecutive fetch of an index. Like so:

 1use v5.12;
 2package ClosureIterator;
 4# This is the tie "constructor" and just creates a regular object to store
 5# our state
 6sub TIEARRAY {
 7    my ($class, $closure) = @_;
 8    my $self = {
 9        closure => $closure,
10        nextindex => 0,
11    };
12    return bless $self, $class;
15# This is called to fetch the item at a particular index; for an iterator,
16# only the next item is valid
17sub FETCH {
18    my ($self, $index) = @_;
20    if ($index == 0) {
21        # Always allow reading index 0, both to mean a general "get next
22        # item" and so that looping over the same array twice will work as
23        # expected
24        $self->{nextindex} = 0;
25    }
26    elsif ($index != $self->{nextindex}) {
27        die "ClosureIterator does not support random access";
28    }
30    $self->{nextindex}++;
31    return $self->{closure}->();
34# The built-in shift() function means "remove and return the first item", so
35# it's a good fit for a general "advance iterator"
36sub SHIFT {
37    my ($self) = @_;
38    $self->{nextindex} = 0;
39    return $self->{closure}->();
42# Yes, an array has to be able to report its own size...  but luckily, a for
43# loop fetches the size on every iteration!  As long as this returns
44# increasingly large values, such a loop will continue indefinitely
46    my ($self) = @_;
47    return $self->{nextindex} + 1;
50# Most other tied array operations are for modifying the array, which makes no
51# sense here.  They're deliberately omitted, so trying to use them will cause a
52# "can't locate object method" error.
55package main;
57# Create an iterator that yields successive powers of 2
58tie my @array, 'ClosureIterator', sub {
59    # State variables are persistent, like C statics
60    state $next = 1;
61    my $ret = $next;
62    $next *= 2;
63    return $ret;
66# This will print out 1, 2, 4, 8, ... 1024, at which point the loop breaks
67for my $i (@array) {
68    say $i;
69    last if $i > 1000;

This transparently works like any other array… sort of. You can loop over it (forever!); you can use shift to pop off the next value; you can stop a loop and then continue reading from it later.

Unfortunately, this is just plain weird, even for Perl, and I very rarely see it used. Ultimately, Perl’s array operations come in a set, and this is an array that pretends not to be able to do half of them. Even Perl developers are likely to be surprised by an array, a fundamental “shape” of the language, with quirky behavior.

The biggest problem is that, as I said, Perl is heavily built on lists. Part of that design is that @arrays are very eager to spill their contents into a surrounding context. Naïvely passing an array to a function, for example, will expand its elements into separate arguments, losing the identity of the array itself (and losing any tied-ness). Interpolating an array into a string automatically space-separates its elements.

Unlike a for loop, these operations only ask the array for its size once — so rather than printing an infinite sequence, they’ll print a completely arbitrary prefix of it. In the case above, spilling a fresh array will read one item; spilling the array after the example loop will read eleven items. So while a tied array works nicely with a for loop, it’s at odds with the most basic rules of Perl syntax.

Also, Perl’s list-based nature means it’s attracted a lot of list-processing utilities — but these naturally expect to receive a spilled list of arguments and cannot work with a lazy iterator.

I found multiple mentions of the List::Gen module while looking into this. I’d never heard of it before and I’ve never seen it used, but it tries to fill this gap (and makes use of array tying, among other things). It’s a bit weird, and its source code is extremely weird, and it took me twenty minutes to figure out how it was using <...> as a quoting construct.

(<...> in Perl does filename globbing, so it’s usually seen as <*.txt>. The same syntax is used for reading from a filehandle, which makes this confusing and ambiguous, so it’s generally discouraged in favor of the built-in glob function which does the same thing. Well, it turns out that <...> must just call glob() at Perl-level, because List::Gen manages to co-opt this syntax simply by exporting its own glob function. Perl is magical.)

Perl 6

Perl 6, a mad experiment to put literally every conceivable feature into one programming language, naturally has a more robust concept of iteration.

At first glance, many of the constructs are similar to those of Perl 5. The C-style for loop still exists for some reason, but has been disambiguated under the loop keyword.

1loop (my $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
2    ...
5# More interestingly, loop can be used completely bare for an infinite loop
6loop {
7    ...

The for block has slightly different syntax and a couple new tricks.

 1# Unlike in Perl 5, $value is automatically declared and scoped to the block,
 2# without needing an explicit 'my'
 3for @container -> $value {
 4    ...
 7for 1..10 -> $i {
 8    ...
11# This doesn't iterate in pairs; it reads two items at a time from a flat list!
12for 1..10 -> $a, $b {
13    ...

Not apparent in the above code is that ranges are lazy in Perl 6, as in Python; the elements are computed on demand. In fact, Perl 6 supports a range like 1..Inf.

Loop variables are also aliases. By default they’re read-only, so this appears to work like Python… but Perl has always had a C-like language-level notion of “slots” that Python does not, and it becomes apparent if the loop variable is made read-write:

1my @fruits = «apple orange pear»;
2for @fruits -> $fruit is rw {
3    # This is "apply method inplace", i.e. shorthand for:
4    # $fruit = $fruit.uc;
5    # Yes, you can do that.
6    $fruit .= uc;
8say @fruits;  # APPLE ORANGE PEAR

For iterating with indexes, there’s a curious idiom:

1# ^Inf is shorthand for 0..Inf, read as "up to Inf".
2# Z is the zip operator, which interleaves its arguments' elements into a
3# single flat list.
4# This makes use of the "two at a time" trick from above.
5for ^Inf Z @array -> $index, $value {
6    ...

Iterating hashes is somewhat simpler; hashes have methods, and the .kv method returns the keys and values. (It actually returns them in a flat list interleaved, which again uses “two at a time” syntax. If you only use a single loop variable, your loop iterations will alternate between a key and a value. Iterating a hash directly produces pairs, which are a first-class data type in Perl 6, but I can’t find any syntax for directly unpacking a pair within a loop header.)

 1for %container.kv -> $key, value {
 2    ...
 5# No surprises here
 6for %container.keys -> $key {
 7    ...
 9for %container.values -> $value {
10    ...

Perl 6 is very big on laziness, which is perhaps why it took fifteen years to see a release. It has the same iterable versus iterator split as Python. Given a container (iterable), ask for an iterator; given an iterator, repeatedly ask for new values. When the iterator is exhausted, it returns the IterationEnd sentinel. Exactly the same ideas. I’m not clear on the precise semantics of the for block and can’t find a simple reference, but they’re probably much like Python’s… plus a thousand special cases.

Generators, kinda

Perl 6 also has its own version of generators, though with a few extra twists. Curiously, generators are a block called gather, rather than a kind of function — this means that a one-off gather is easier to create, but a gather factory must be explicitly wrapped in a function. gather can even take a single expression rather than a block, so there’s no need for separate “generator expression” syntax as in Python.

 1sub inclusive-range($start, $stop) {
 2    return gather {
 3        my $val = $start;
 4        while $val <= $stop {
 5            take $val;
 6            $val++;
 7        }
 8    };
11# 6 7 8 9
12for inclusive-range(6, 9) -> $n {
13    ...

Unlike Python’s yield, Perl 6’s take is dynamically scoped — i.e., take can be used anywhere in the call stack, and it will apply to the most recent gather caller. That means arbitrary-depth coroutines, which seems like a big deal to me, but the documentation mentions it almost as an afterthought.

The documentation also says gather/take can generate values lazily, depending on context,” but neglects to clarify how context factors in. The code I wrote above turns out to be lazy, but this ambiguity inclines me to use the explicit lazy marker everywhere.

Ultimately it’s a pretty flexible feature, but has a few quirks that make it a bit clumsier to use as a straightforward generator. Given that the default behavior is an eagerly-evaluated block, I think the original intention was to avoid the slightly unsatisfying pattern of “push onto an array every iteration through a loop” — instead you can now do this:

1my @results = gather {
2    for @source-data -> $datum {
3        next unless some-test($datum);
4        take process($datum);
5    }

Using a simple (syntax-highlighted!) take puts the focus on the value being taken, rather than the details of putting it where it wants to go and how it gets there. It’s an interesting idea and I’m surprised I’ve never seen it demonstrated this way.

With gather and some abuse of Perl’s exceptionally compactable syntax, I can write a much shorter version of the infinite Perl 5 iterator above.

1my @powers-of-two = lazy gather take (state $n = 1) *= 2 for ^Inf;
3# Binds to $_ by default
4for @powers-of-two {
5    # Method calls are on $_ by default
6    .say;
7    last if $_ > 1000;

It’s definitely shorter, I’ll give it that. Leaving off the lazy in this case causes an infinite loop as Perl tries to evaluate the entire list; using a $ instead of a @ produces a “Cannot .elems a lazy list” error; using $ without lazy prints a ...-terminated representation of the infinite list and then hangs forever. I don’t quite understand the semantics of stuffing a list into a scalar ($) variable in Perl 6, and to be honest the list/array semantics seem to be far more convoluted than Perl 5, so I have no idea what’s going on here. Perl 6 has a lot of fascinating toys that are very easy to use incorrectly.

Nuts and bolts

Iterables and iterators are encoded explicitly as the Iterable and Iterator roles. An Iterable has an .iterator method that should return an Iterator. An Iterator has a .pull-one method that returns the next value, or the IterationEnd sentinel when the iterator is exhausted. Both roles offer several other methods, but they have suitable default implementations.

inclusive-range might be transformed into a class thusly:

 1class InclusiveRangeIterator does Iterator {
 2    has $.range is required;
 3    has $!nextval = $!range.start;
 5    method pull-one() {
 6        if $!nextval > $!range.stop {
 7            return IterationEnd;
 8        }
10        # Perl people would probably phrase this:
11        # ++$!nextval
12        # and they are wrong.
13        my $val = $!nextval;
14        $!nextval++;
15        return $val;
16    }
19class InclusiveRange does Iterable {
20    has $.start is required;
21    has $.stop is required;
23    # Don't even ask
24    method new($start, $stop) {
25        self.bless(:$start, :$stop);
26    }
28    method iterator() {
29        InclusiveRangeIterator.new(range => self);
30    }
33# 6 7 8 9
34for InclusiveRange.new(6, 9) -> $n {
35    ...

Can we use gather to avoid the need for an extra class, just as in Python? We sure can! The only catch is that Perl 6 iterators don’t also pretend to be iterables (remember, in Python, iter(it) should produce it), so we need to explicitly return a gather block’s iterator.

 1class InclusiveRange does Iterable {
 2    has $.start is required;
 3    has $.stop is required;
 5    # Don't even ask
 6    method new($start, $stop) {
 7        self.bless(:$start, :$stop);
 8    }
10    method iterator() {
11        gather {
12            my $val = $!start;
13            while $val <= $!stop {
14                take $val;
15                $val++;
16            }
17        }.iterator;  # <- this is important
18    }

For sequences, Perl 6 has the Seq type. Curiously, even an infinite lazy gather is still a Seq. Indexing and length are not part of Seq — both are implemented as separate methods.

Curiously, even though Perl 6 became much stricter overall, the indexing methods don’t seem to be part of a role; you only need define them, much like Python’s __dunder__ methods. In fact, the preceding examples, does Iterator isn’t necessary at all; the for block will blindly try to call an iterator method and doesn’t much care where it came from.

I’m sure there are plenty of cute tricks possible with Perl 6, but, er, I’ll leave those as an exercise for the reader.


Ruby is a popular and well-disguised Perl variant, if Perl just went completely all-in on Smalltalk. It has no C-style for, but it does have an infinite loop block and a very Python-esque for:

1for value in sequence do
2    ...

Nobody uses this. No, really, the core language documentation outright says:

The for loop is rarely used in modern ruby programs.

Instead, you’ll probably see this:

1sequence.each do |value|
2    ...

It doesn’t look it, but this is completely backwards from everything seen so far. All of these other languages have used external iterators, where an object is repeatedly asked to produce values and calling code can do whatever it wants with them. Here, something very different is happening. The entire do ... end block acts as a closure whose argument is value; it’s passed to the each method, which calls it once for each value in the sequence. This is an internal iterator.

Pass a block to a function which can then call it a lot” is a built-in syntactic feature of Ruby, so these kinds of iterators are fairly common. The upside is that they look almost like a custom block, so they fit naturally with the language. The downside is that all of these block-accepting methods are implemented on Array, rather than as generic functions: bsearch, bsearch_index, collect, collect!, combination, count, cycle, delete, delete_if, drop_while, each, each_index, fetch, fill, find_index, index, keep_if, map, map!, permutation, product, reject, reject!, repeated_combination, repeated_permutation, reverse_each, rindex, select, select!, sort, sort!, sort_by!, take_while, uniq, uniq!, zip. Some of those, as well as a number of additional methods, are provided by the Enumerable mixin which can express them in terms of each. I suppose the other upside is that any given type can provide its own more efficient implementation of these methods, if it so desires.

I guess that huge list of methods answers most questions about how to iterate over indices or in reverse. The only bit missing is that .. range syntax exists in Ruby as well, and it produces Range objects which also have an each method. If you don’t care about each index, you can also use the cute 3.times method.

Ruby blocks are a fundamental part of the language and built right into the method-calling syntax. Even break is defined in terms of blocks, and it works with an argument!

1# This just doesn't feel like it should work, but it does.  Prints 17.
2# Braces are conventionally used for inline blocks, but do/end would work too.
3primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
4puts primes.each { |p| break p if p > 16 }

each() doesn’t need to do anything special here; break will just cause its return value to be 17. Somehow. (Honestly, this is the sort of thing that makes me wary of Ruby; it seems so ad-hoc and raises so many questions. A language keyword that changes the return value of a different function? Does the inside of each() know about this or have any control over it? How does it actually work? Is there any opportunity for cleanup? I have no idea, and the documentation doesn’t seem to think this is worth commenting on.)

Using blocks

Anyway, with block-passing as a language feature, the “iterator protocol” is pretty straightforward: just write a method that takes a block.

1def each
2    for value in self do
3        yield value
4    end

Be careful! Though it’s handy for iteration, that yield is not the same as Python’s yield. Ruby’s yield calls the passed-in block — yields control to the caller — with the given value(s).

I pulled a dirty trick there, because I expressed each in terms of for. So how does for work? Well, ah, it just delegates to each. Oops!

How, then, do you write an iterator completely from scratch? The obvious way is to use yield repeatedly. That gives you something that looks rather a lot like Python, though it doesn’t actually pause execution.

 1class InclusiveRange
 2    # This gets you a variety of other iteration methods, all defined in
 3    # terms of each()
 4    include Enumerable
 6    def initialize(start, stop)
 7        @start = start
 8        @stop = stop
 9    end
10    def each
11        val = @start
12        while val <= @stop do
13            yield val
14            val += 1
15        end
16    end
19# 6 7 8 9
20# A `for` loop would also work here
21InclusiveRange.new(6, 9).each do |n|
22    ...


Well, that’s nice for creating a whole collection type, but what if I want an ad-hoc custom iterator? Enter the Enumerator class, which allows you to create… ah, enumerators.

Note that the relationship between Enumerable and Enumerator is not the same as the relationship between “iterable” and “iterator”. Most importantly, neither is really an interface. Enumerable is a set of common iteration methods that any collection type may want to have, and it expects an each to exist. Enumerator is a generic collection type, and in fact mixes in Enumerable. Maybe I should just show you some code.

 1def inclusive_range(start, stop)
 2    Enumerator.new do |y|
 3        val = start
 4        while val <= stop do
 5            y.yield val
 6            val += 1
 7        end
 8    end
11# 6 7 8 9
12inclusive_range(6, 9).each do |n|
13    puts n

Enumerator turns a block into a fully-fledged data stream. The block is free to do whatever it wants, and whenever it wants to emit a value, it calls y.yield value. The y argument is a “yielder” object, an opaque magic type; y.yield is a regular method call, unrelated to the yield keyword. (y << value is equivalent; << is Ruby’s “append” operator. And also, yes, bit shift.)

The amazing bit is that you can do this:

1# 6
2puts inclusive_range(6, 9).first

Enumerator has all of the Enumerable methods, one of which is first. So, that’s nice.

The really amazing bit is that if you stick some debugging code into the block passed to Enumerator.new, you’ll find that… the values are produced lazily. That call to first() doesn’t generate the full sequence and then discard everything after the first item; it only generates the first item, then stops.

(Beware! The values are produced lazily, but many Enumerable methods are eager. I’ll get back to this in a moment.)

Hang on, didn’t I say yield doesn’t pause execution? Didn’t I also say the above yield is just a method call, not the keyword?

I did! And I wasn’t lying. The really truly amazing bit, which I’ve seen shockingly little excitement about while researching this, is that under the hood, this is all using Fibers. Coroutines.

Enumerator.new takes a block and turns it into a coroutine. Every time something wants a value from the enumerator, it resumes the coroutine. The yielder object’s yield method then calls Fiber.yield() to pause the coroutine. It works just like Lua, but it’s designed to work with existing Ruby conventions, like the piles of internal iteration methods developers expect to find.

So Enumerator.new can produce Python-style generators, albeit in a slightly un-native-looking way. There’s also one other significant difference: an Enumerator can restart itself for each method called on it, simply by calling the block again. This code will print 6 three times:

1ir = inclusive_range(6, 9)
2puts ir.first
3puts ir.first
4puts ir.first

For something like an inclusive range object, that’s pretty nice. For something like a file, maybe not so nice. It also means you need to be sure to put your setup code inside the block passed to Enumerator.new, or funny things will happen when the block is restarted.

Something like generators

But wait, there’s more. Specifically, this common pattern, which pretty much lets you ignore Enumerator.new entirely.

 1def some_iterator_method
 2    # __method__ is the current method name.  block_given? is straightforward.
 3    return enum_for(__method__) unless block_given?
 5    # An extremely accurate simulation of a large list.
 6    (1..1000).each do |item|
 7        puts "having a look at #{item}"
 8        # Blocks are invisible to `yield`; this will yield to the block passed
 9        # to some_iterator_method.
10        yield item if item.even?
11    end
14# having a look at 1
15# having a look at 2
16# 2
17puts some_iterator_method.first

Okay, bear with me.

First, some_iterator_method() is called. It doesn’t have a block attached, so block_given? is false, and it returns enum_for(...), whatever that does. Then first() is called on the result, and that produces a single element and stops.

The above code has no magic yielder object. It uses the straightforward yield keyword. Why doesn’t it loop over the entire range from 1 to 1000?

Remember, Enumerator uses coroutines under the hood. One neat thing coroutines can do is pause code that doesn’t know it’s in a coroutine. Python’s generators pause themselves with yield, and the mere presence of yield turns a function into a generator; but in Lua or Ruby or any other language with coroutines, any function can pause at any time. You can even make a closure that pauses, then pass that closure to another function which calls it, without that function ever knowing anything happened.

(This arguably has some considerable downsides as well — it becomes difficult to know when or where your code might pause, which makes reasoning about the order of operations much harder. That’s why Python and some other languages opted to implement async IO with an await keyword — anyone reading the code knows that it can only pause where an await appears.)

(Also, I’m saying “pause” here instead of “yield” because Ruby has really complicated the hell out of this by already having a yield keyword that does something totally different, and naming its coroutine pause function yield.)

Anyway, that’s exactly what’s happening here. enum_for returns an Enumerator that wraps the whole method. (It doesn’t need to know self, because enum_for is actually a method inherited from Object, goodness gracious.) When the Enumerator needs some items, it calls the method a second time with its own block, running in a coroutine, just like a block passed to Enumerator.new. Eventually the method emits a value using the regular old yield keyword, and that value reaches the block created by Enumerator, and that block pauses the call stack. It doesn’t matter that Range.each is eager, because its iteration is still happening in code somewhere, and that code is part of a call stack in a coroutine, so it can be paused. Eventually the coroutine is no longer useful and gets thrown away, so the eager each call simply stops midway through its work, unaware that anything unusual ever happened.

In fact, despite being an Object method, enum_for isn’t special at all. It can be expressed in pure Ruby very easily:

 1def my_enum_for(receiver, method)
 2    # Enumerator.new creates a coroutine-as-iteration-source, as above.
 3    Enumerator.new do |y|
 4        # All it does is call the named method with a trivial block.  Every
 5        # time the method produces a value with the `yield` keyword, we pass it
 6        # along to the yielder object, which pauses the coroutine.
 7        # This is nothing more than a bridge between "yield" in the Ruby block
 8        # sense, and "yield" in the coroutine sense.
 9        receiver.send method do |value|
10            y.yield value
11        end
12    end

So, that’s pretty neat. Incidentally, several built-in methods like Array.each and Enumerable.collect act like this, returning an Enumerator if called with no arguments.

Full laziness

I mentioned above that while an Enumerator fetches items lazily, many of the methods are eager. To clarify what I mean by that, consider:

1inclusive_range(6, 9000).collect {
2    |n|
3    puts "considering #{n}"
4    "a" * n

collect() is one of those common Enumerable methods. You might know it by its other name, map(). Ruby is big on multiple names for the same thing: one that everyone uses in practice, and another that people who don’t use Ruby will actually recognize.

Even though this code ultimately only needs three items, and even though there’s all this coroutine machinery happening under the hood, this still evaluates the entire range. Why?

The problem is that collect() has always returned an array, and is generally expected to continue doing so. It has no way of knowing that it’s about to be fed into first. Rather than violate this API, Ruby added a new method, Enumerable.lazy. This stops after three items:

1inclusive_range(6, 9000).lazy.collect {
2    |n|
3    puts "considering #{n}"
4    "a" * n

All this does is return an Enumerator::Lazy object, which has lazy implementations of various methods that would usually do a full iteration. Methods like first(3) are still “eager” (in the sense that they just return an array), since their results have a fixed finite size.

This seems a little clunky to me, since the end result is still an object with a collect method that doesn’t return an array. I suspect the real reason is just that Enumerator was added first; even though the coroutine support was already there, Enumerator::Lazy only came along later. Changing existing eager methods to be lazy can, ah, cause problems.

The only built-in type that seems to have interesting lazy behavior is Range, which can be infinite.

1# Whoops, infinite loop.
2(1..Float::INFINITY).select { |n| n.even? }.first(5)
3# 2 4 6 8 10
4(1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.select { |n| n.even? }.first(5)

A loose end

I think the only remaining piece of this puzzle is something I stumbled upon but can’t explain. Enumerator has a next method, which returns the next value or raises StopIteration.

Wow, that sounds awfully familiar.

But I can’t find anything in the language or standard library that uses this, with one single and boring exception: the loop construct. It catches StopIteration and exits the block.

1enumerator = [1, 2, 3].each
2loop do
3    while true do
4        puts enumerator.next
5    end

On the fourth call, next() will be out of items, so it raises StopIteration. Removing the loop block makes this quite obvious.

That’s it. That’s the only use of it in the language, as far as I can tell. It seems almost… vestigial. It’s also a little weird, since it keeps the current iteration state inside the Enumerator, unlike any of its other methods. But it’s also the only form of external iteration that I know of in Ruby, and that’s handy to have sometimes.

And, uh, so on

I intended to foray into a few more languages, including some recent lower-level friends like C++/Rust/Swift, but this post somehow spiraled out of control and hit nine thousand words. No one has read this far.

Handily, it turns out that the above languages pretty much cover the basic ways of approaching iteration; if any of this made sense, other languages will probably seem pretty familiar.

  • C++’s iteration protocol(s) has existed for a long time in the form of ++it to advance an iterator and *it to read the current item, though this was usually written manually in a C-style for loop, and loops were generally terminated with an explicit endpoint.

    C++11 added the range-based for, which does basically the same stuff under the hood. Idiomatic C++ is inscrutible, but maybe you can make sense of this project which provides optionally-infinite iterable ranges.

  • Rust has an entire (extremely well-documented) iter module with numerous iterators and examples of how to create your own. The core of the Iterator trait is just a next method which returns None when exhausted. It also has a lot of handy Ruby-like chainable methods, so working directly with iterators is more common in Rust than in Python.

  • Swift also has (well-documented) simple next-based iterators, which return nil when exhausted, effectively the same API as Rust.

I could probably keep finding more subsequent languages indefinitely, so I’m gonna take a break from this now.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

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