A couple solid days each went towards different things, with pretty good progress for all of them.
isaac: Did a little bit of cleanup. Added some raycasting to the “physics engine”, so the laser eye now actually works correctly — it fires a ray along the laser’s path and looks for the first solid obstacle. (In the PICO-8 version, it just checked map tiles straight down until it found something other than empty space.)
art: Spent a few days on some inked reward drawings for Mel’s Kickstarter.
music: Studied how Cave Story’s music is put together in exquisite detail. It helps that the music was all written in tracker style, and the whole soundtrack is available in XM format, which trackers are happy to open. The result of this effort was a song that’s not entirely terrible, which isn’t bad considering I’ve only spent a week or two combined on learning anything about music.
veekun: I, uh, spent a couple days on actually beating the game, so now I don’t have to worry about spoilers.
I also resurrected my ancient WebGL model viewer, taught it to play back animations, improved the outlining, and added a bunch of controls. Work continues on this, but I’d really like to have interactive models available on veekun.
I’m mostly charging ahead on veekun stuff right now, and probably for the next few days.
Isaac plods ever closer to matching the feature set of the PICO-8 game.