fuzzy notepad

[dev] Weekly roundup: Flux capacity

  • blog: I wrote about introspection, or more specifically, what it’s been like to gradually shift from “pure tech” to more creative work.

  • fox flux: I am trapped in animation hell, but making progress. I made a pretty cool new parallax background. Also took a short break from drawing to do some physics, and now I have critters that can stop at ledges.

  • idchoppers: I wrote a quick thing that counts texture usage in maps, by both count and area.

    Honestly, I’ve been avoiding idchoppers because getting the API right is going to be a good bit of tedious work, so if it’s going to go anywhere then I’ll need to devote some serious time to it. Not sure whether I will or not. Little cute tools like a texture count make for useful example cases for an API, though, so I guess this helps.

  • flora: I did some secret work for a not-yet-released thing. It is very good.

  • art: I drew a June avatar which I am super happy with!

Mostly I’ve been doing a lot of pixel art, and I should maybe take a break from it for a little while, because I have a lot of stuff to do this month. Stay tuned.

If you like when I write words, you can fund future wordsmithing (and other endeavors) by throwing a couple bucks at my Patreon!

(illus. by Rumwik)
