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fuzzy notepad

Weekly roundup: Let’s try that again

  1. Blog
  2. [dev] Dev log

Hello, hello! It’s been a while. June ended up being an avalanche of errands and personal problems that neatly segued into each other, over and over. Good times! I think everything’s settled down now, but who knows.

Anyway, that gives us three weeks to catch up on:

  • fox flux: Finished and committed a bunch of half-implemented ideas in an attempt to get git clean for once (still more to go though); took a crack at porting sound effects from MilkyTracker and sfxr to Sunvox, which was much harder than expected; experimented with a nighttime palette; drew some new vastly improved swimming sprites from scratch.

    Did some work on the camera, which has always been pretty lazy. (I’ve improved it a lot since that recording, so don’t judge it too harshly.) Started on a redone menu, which should be a great improvement over the demo’s menu which was just “resume” and “quit”. Redrew the base dialogue portraits, and they look fantastic, but apparently I never tweeted about that, but you can see it in the next link!

    After spending all this time on miscellaneous mechanics and other bits and pieces, I decided it was finally time to get a basic gameplay loop going — enter a level, get some stuff, leave the level. The results are extremely rough, but I’ve made a start! It’s turning into a game! Which is weird because it was already a game once!

  • secret game engine thing: Not a lot, but I’ve cleared some design roadblocks that were seriously getting in the way.

  • art: Some doodles. Also I drew some beautiful gift art for my and Ash’s Metapodth anniversary.

  • alice’s day off: Wrote some stuff! It’s a miracle.

  • gamedev: I ran GAMES MADE QUICK??? III-2, and 28 fine folks managed to produce something game-like within a week! Please give some of them a try!

Currently attempting to get my ass back in gear, with moderate success.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this worth reading to the end, and you have a few bucks to spare, maybe toss a couple at my Patreon?

Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
