Welcome to Monday Night Itch, a harebrained scheme to encourage folks to play more non-AAA games by adding a touch of social gamification. I thought I would be tweeting my adventures here, but I just had an experience so profound it can only be captured within a blog post.

Recommended GZDoom settings
GZDoom is the fanciest way to play Doom. Unfortunately, it has also historically been difficult to recommend to newcomers, because its default settings are… questionable.
Conspicuously, for over a decade, it defaulted to traditional Doom movement keys (no WASD) and no mouselook. I am overjoyed to discover that this is no longer the case, and it plays like a god damn FPS out of the box, but there are still a few twiddles that need twiddling. Mostly the texture filtering. Christ, the texture filtering.
Anyway GZDoom has a lot of options, so here is a handy list of the important ones. There are fewer than I expected, which is good.
Gamedev from scratch 1: Scaffolding
Welcome to part 1 of this narrative series about writing a complete video game from scratch, using the PICO-8. This is actually the second part, because in this house (unlike Lua) we index from 0, so if you’re new here you may want to consult the introductory stuff and table of contents in part zero.
If you’ve been following along, welcome back, and let’s dive right in!
Gamedev from scratch 0: Groundwork
You may recall that I once had the ambitious idea to write a book on game development, walking the reader through making simple games from scratch in a variety of different environments, starting from simple level editors and culminating in some “real” engine.
That never quite materialized. As it turns out, writing a book is a huge slog, publishers want almost all of the proceeds, and LaTeX is an endless rabbit hole of distractions that probably consumed more time than actually writing. Also, a book about programming with no copy/paste or animations or hyperlinks kind of sucks.
I thus present to you Plan B: a series of blog posts. This is a narrative reconstruction of a small game I made recently, Star Anise Chronicles: Oh No Wheres Twig??. It took me less than two weeks and I kept quite a few snapshots of the game’s progress, so you’ll get to see a somewhat realistic jaunt through the process of creating a small game from very nearly nothing.
And unlike your typical programming tutorial, I can guarantee that this won’t get you as far as a half-assed Mario clone and then abruptly end. The game has original art and sound, a title screen, an ending, cutscenes, dialogue, UI, and more — so this series will necessarily cover how all of that came about. I will tell you why I made particular decisions, mention planned features I cut, show you the tradeoffs I made, and confess when I made life harder for myself. You know, all the stuff you actually go through when doing game development (or, frankly, any kind of software development).
The target audience is (ideally) anyone who knows what a computer is, so hopefully you can follow along no matter what your experience level. Enjoy!
This is part zero, and it’s mostly introductory stuff. Please don’t skip it! I promise there’s some meat in the latter half.
Rowling is dangerously wrong
I read J.K. Rowling’s essay.
I regret doing so.
Here are some thoughts. Trans readers, brace yourselves, especially if you didn’t read the original.
Some help came from Andrew James Carter’s response thread, which has many more citations but feels less compelling to a general audience to me.
Old CSS, new CSS
I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was.
And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with.
I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least the decade that followed, but I think that assumption might be a wee bit out of date. Some time ago I encountered a tweet marvelling at what we had to do without border-radius
. I still remember waiting with bated breath for it to be unprefixed!
But then, I suspect I also know a number of folks who only tried web design in the old days, and assume nothing about it has changed since.
I’m here to tell all of you to get off my lawn. Here’s a history of CSS and web design, as I remember it.
Tech wishes for 2018
Anonymous asks, via money:
What would you like to see happen in tech in 2018?
(answer can be technical, social, political, combination, whatever)
SUPER game night 3: GAMES MADE QUICK??? 2.0
Game night continues with a smorgasbord of games from my recent game jam, GAMES MADE QUICK??? 2.0!
The idea was to make a game in only a week while watching AGDQ, as an alternative to doing absolutely nothing for a week while watching AGDQ. (I didn’t submit a game myself; I was chugging along on my Anise game, which isn’t finished yet.)
I can’t very well run a game jam and not play any of the games, so here’s some of them in no particular order! Enjoy!
These are impressions, not reviews. I try to avoid major/ending spoilers, but big plot points do tend to leave impressions.
Game night 2: Detention, Viatoree, Paletta
Game night continues with:
- Detention
- Viatoree
- Paletta
These are impressions, not reviews. I try to avoid major/ending spoilers, but big plot points do tend to leave impressions.
Physics cheats
Anonymous asks:
something about how we tweak physics to “work” better in games?
Ho ho! Work. Get it? Like in physics…?
Random with care
Hi! Here are a few loose thoughts about picking random numbers.
Game night 1: Lisa, Lisa, MOOP
For the last few weeks, glip (my partner) and I have spent a couple hours most nights playing indie games together. We started out intending to play a short list of games that had been recommended to glip, but this turns out to be a nice way to wind down, so we’ve been keeping it up and clicking on whatever looks interesting in the itch app.
Most of the games are small and made by one or two people, so they tend to be pretty tightly scoped and focus on a few particular kinds of details. I’ve found myself having brain thoughts about all that, so I thought I’d write some of them down.
I also know that some people (cough) tend not to play games they’ve never heard of, even if they want something new to play. If that’s you, feel free to play some of these, now that you’ve heard of them!
Also, I’m still figuring the format out here, so let me know if this is interesting or if you hope I never do it again!
First up:
- Lisa: The Painful
- Lisa: The Joyful
These are impressions, not reviews. I try to avoid major/ending spoilers, but big plot points do tend to leave impressions.
Object models
Anonymous asks, with dollars:
More about programming languages!
Well then!
I’ve written before about what I think objects are: state and behavior, which in practice mostly means method calls.
I suspect that the popular impression of what objects are, and also how they should work, comes from whatever C++ and Java happen to do. From that point of view, the whole post above is probably nonsense. If the baseline notion of “object” is a rigid definition woven tightly into the design of two massively popular languages, then it doesn’t even make sense to talk about what “object” should mean — it does mean the features of those languages, and cannot possibly mean anything else.
I think that’s a shame! It piles a lot of baggage onto a fairly simple idea. Polymorphism, for example, has nothing to do with objects — it’s an escape hatch for static type systems. Inheritance isn’t the only way to reuse code between objects, but it’s the easiest and fastest one, so it’s what we get. Frankly, it’s much closer to a speed tradeoff than a fundamental part of the concept.
We could do with more experimentation around how objects work, but that’s impossible in the languages most commonly thought of as object-oriented.
Here, then, is a (very) brief run through the inner workings of objects in four very dynamic languages. I don’t think I really appreciated objects until I’d spent some time with Python, and I hope this can help someone else whet their own appetite.
JavaScript got better while I wasn’t looking
IndustrialRobot has generously donated in order to inquire:
In the last few years there seems to have been a lot of activity with adding emojis to Unicode. Has there been an equal effort to add ‘real’ languages/glyph systems/etc?
And as always, if you don’t have anything to say on that topic, feel free to choose your own. :p
I mean, each release of Unicode lists major new additions right at the top — Unicode 10, Unicode 9, Unicode 8, etc. They also keep fastidious notes, so you can also dig into how and why these new scripts came from, by reading e.g. the proposal for the addition of Zanabazar Square. I don’t think I have much to add here; I’m not a real linguist, I only play one on TV.
So with that out of the way, here’s something completely different!
Nazis, are bad
Anonymous asks:
Could you talk about something related to the management/moderation and growth of online communities? IOW your thoughts on online community management, if any.
I think you’ve tweeted about this stuff in the past so I suspect you have thoughts on this, but if not, again, feel free to just blog about … anything :)
Oh, I think I have some stuff to say about community management, in light of recent events. None of it hasn’t already been said elsewhere, and I wouldn’t say it’s really about “online” or has a strong “point”, but I have to get this out.
Hopefully the content warning is implicit in the title.
Growing up alongside tech
IndustrialRobot asks… or, uh, asked last month:
industrialrobot: How has your views on tech changed as you’ve got older?
This is so open-ended that it’s actually stumped me for a solid month. I’ve had a surprisingly hard time figuring out where to even start.
Some memorable levels
Another Patreon request from Nova Dasterin:
Maybe something about level design. In relation to a vertical shmup since I’m working on one of those.
I’ve been thinking about level design a lot lately, seeing as how I’ve started… designing levels. Shmups are probably the genre I’m the worst at, but perhaps some general principles will apply universally.
And speaking of general principles, that’s something I’ve been thinking about too.
I’ve been struggling to create a more expansive tileset for a platformer, due to two general problems: figuring out what I want to show, and figuring out how to show it with a limited size and palette. I’ve been browsing through a lot of pixel art from games I remember fondly in the hopes of finding some inspiration, but so far all I’ve done is very nearly copy a dirt tile someone submitted to my potluck project.
Recently I realized that I might have been going about looking for inspiration all wrong. I’ve been sifting through stuff in the hopes of finding something that would create some flash of enlightenment, but so far that aimless tourism has only found me a thing or two to copy.
I don’t want to copy a small chunk of the final product; I want to understand the underlying ideas that led the artist to create what they did in the first place. Or, no, that’s not quite right either. I don’t want someone else’s ideas; I want to identify what I like, figure out why I like it, and turn that into some kinda of general design idea. Find the underlying themes that appeal to me and figure out some principles that I could apply. You know, examine stuff critically.
I haven’t had time to take a deeper look at pixel art this way, so I’ll try it right now with level design. Here, then, are some levels from various games that stand out to me for whatever reason; the feelings they evoke when I think about them; and my best effort at unearthing some design principles from those feelings.