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🎂 Eevee gained EXP

  1. Eevee has gained 1801 experience points…
  2. Level 27
  3. Eevee gained 2269 experience points
  4. Eevee gained 2437 experience points
  5. Eevee gained 2611 experience points
  6. Eevee gained 2791 experience points
  7. Eevee gained 2977 experience points
  8. Eevee gained 3169 experience points
  9. Eevee gained 3367 experience points
  10. Eevee gained 4,219 experience points…

🦠 Monday night Itch

  1. Monday Night Itch #1: Mystery Trap Adventure

🔩 Gamedev from scratch

  1. Gamedev from scratch 0: Groundwork
  2. Gamedev from scratch 1: Scaffolding

🎑 Cheezball Rising

  1. Cheezball Rising: A new Game Boy Color game
  2. Cheezball Rising: Drawing a sprite
  3. Cheezball Rising: Main loop, input, and a game
  4. Cheezball Rising: Spring cleaning
  5. Cheezball Rising: Maps and sprites
  6. Cheezball Rising: Resounding failure
  7. Cheezball Rising: Opening a dialogue
  8. Cheezball Rising: Collision detection, part 1

🎲 Game night

  1. Game night 1: Lisa, Lisa, MOOP
  2. Game night 2: Detention, Viatoree, Paletta
  3. SUPER game night 3: GAMES MADE QUICK??? 2.0

🐍 Python FAQ

  1. Python FAQ
  2. Python FAQ: Equality
  3. Python FAQ: Webdev
  4. Python FAQ: Descriptors
  5. Python FAQ: Passing
  6. Python FAQ: Why should I use Python 3?
  7. Python FAQ: How do I port to Python 3?

👺 You should make a Doom level

  1. You should make a Doom level, part 1: the basics
  2. You should make a Doom level, part 2: design
  3. You should make a Doom level, part 3: cheating