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fuzzy notepad

Site index

Here’s all the writing hosted here, arranged hierarchically and (somewhat) compactly.

My favorites are marked with a 🧡.


These are like wiki articles — scoped to a particular thing, somewhat maintained, and hopefully useful some years into the future.


Stuff about stuff that I know about.


Little funny gadgets. Somewhere between games, puzzles, and fidget spinners.

CSS crimes rescued from Cohost, annotated with explanations:

Blog posts

These are like tweets — flung out into the void, often meandering, and possibly obsolete from the moment they’re published.

I admit I’m not a big fan of the older posts. A few that were popular, but which I now find kind of embarrassing, are marked with a 🖤.



Stuff I made

  • Flora
    Vague plans for a little RPG we were once thinking about making, which never materialized even slightly.

At one point I attempted to make a Game Boy Color game, in the style of Link’s Awakening, and I got to the tech demo stage before fizzling out. I did write about it, though:

Release announcements

Mario Maker levels:

Status updates

Miscellaneous “here’s what I’m doing at the moment” sorts of posts.



And the obituaries.

Birthday posts

For a while I would make a post on my birthday every year, going over what I’d done over the previous year and what I wanted to do in the upcoming year. I sort of fell off of it at some point.





The “Python FAQ”, which was really just a little set of obscure or commonly-confusing Python details I felt like writing about:

Other languages:

Cross-language feature comparisons:

Heteroglot, an undertaking to solve Project Euler problems without ever using the same language twice:


Software design and the process of programming:

Concrete endeavors:

Web stuff

Game development

The greatest challenge a programmer can undertake. You must wrangle a dozen different fields, and half of what you know about good architecture goes out the window because everything needs to know about everything else all the time.

Posts about game or level design, interesting details of existing games, etc.:

You should make a Doom level”, a tutorial series on making a Doom level in SLADE:

My white whale is to write a series about making a game completely from scratch, but I keep burning out right around collision detection.


More about using someone else’s software, less about writing it.

More about software management than the software itself:



Thoughts on movies and video games and whatnot.

The short-lived “game night” series, brief reviews of a few games we played on itch:

The even shorter-lived “Monday Night Itch” series, where I intended to buy a paid game on itch every Monday and say something nice about it:

We live in a society

A loose arc about community management and the resulting tension with an overbroad notion of “free speech”:


Posts that are beyond my ability to categorize.

drawing of an eevee looking sad and pleading that her food bowl only has two coins in it

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this worth reading to the end, and you have a few bucks to spare, maybe toss a couple at my Patreon?

Making stuff is my full-time job, and this helps me keep doing it!
